The employees of Enat Bank are kicking off a 4weeks philanthropy and social engagement program. Beginning today and continuing for the next 4 weeks, our employees will be actively participating in different activities that will benefit the less fortunate in our communities.
This first week is Enat Visitation Week” Yeenat Agelgel”. Our employees will be spending time with those who are sick in hospitals and different shelters but lack the social network to support them. We will be there for them to support and offer encouragement.
Next week is Enat Caring Week” Enat Alem”. We will show our commitment to the long term welfare of our community by looking after the recently planted seedlings as well as conducting a cleaning campaign in areas surroundings our offices.
The third week is Enat Gratefulness Week” Enat Amesgagne”. There are many people and charity organizations who have dedicated their lives to helping the less fortunate among us. We would give recognition and express our appreciation to a few of those during that week.
The fourth week is Enat Generosity Week” Enat Guada”. Our employees will be conducting a collection drive throughout the month and in this last week of the program they will be distributing the different collected items (clothes, shoes, cleaning supplies and essential food items…etc) to charities for distribution to those in need.
Enat Bank Share Company is founded with the vision of becoming a preferred bank in Ethiopia by maximizing women’s economic potential. Our mission is to remain true to our name and set a trend in the provision of best quality banking services with a special focus on the needs of women; and play a catalytic role in stimulating social and economic development as well as creating shareholder value.